Sunday 15 December 2013

Urban Landscape final piece: Evaluation

After careful consideration regarding the many different ways I could achieve my final piece I decided to use acrylic paints. I have enjoyed using watercolour, soft pastel, ink, etc (please see previous post) however I wanted to put forth a painting which looked almost saturated in colour and so I decided that acrylic paints were possibly a good option to use for this effect.
When it came to starting the painting I knew that the way I work tends to involve 'not putting the paint brush down'. I realise that I work best this way and if I put a painting away for a few days I may not finish it. I tend to work intensely for most of the day or days for that matter in order to get a piece of art finished. This particular painting was done over two days using acrylic paints, brushes, card and sponge from one of my own photographs of an urban landscape scene in Manchester. I started by painting a pale cream/yellow background with a wide brush, and then using the card I scraped the shapes of the different buildings onto the canvas. Then I started to add the detail, slowly building the painting up. After taking the painting to college and having words with Tony I decided to work more on the painting as I felt that some of it was a little too harsh especially the blacked out part in the bottom left hand corner, so I lightened the original photograph on my computer so I see more of the detail in the darker areas and then I painted in those parts over the blacked out area.
Here are photographs of the stages of my painting before completion.

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